
Thank you so much for coming out to view the boiler yesterday. When I checked things this morning the pump was dry and there was very minimal water from the valve. I have a pie plate there to monitor the leaking but it is very minimal. What I would like to do is stay in a holding pattern for now unless the leaking gets worse. I will monitor the valve closely with a mind to replace it if the leaking worsens in the short term.
I can’t say enough how much I am thankful for you coming over yesterday and for sharing your knowledge and experience with me regarding the boiler. I expect there is a fee for your service and I would ask you to please email me the invoice for that. I will be in touch likely in the next month or so, if I am staying in the home, to have that valve and possibly the pump repaired. For now, I will keep my fingers crossed that it doesn’t progress but if it does you will hear from me sooner.
Thank you again. Trusted Saskatoon really does know what they are talking about!!